Thursday, April 08, 2010

Revolution Part Deux

Oh Kyrgyzstan, this is my prayer for you today...

Give the leaders of the nations your justice, O God.
May they lead the people with truth and the poor with compassion.
May they defend the needy and stop the oppressor.
May they be wise as long as the sun and the moon shine.
May they be like rain that falls on dry ground,
like showers that water the earth.
In their day may right relationships thrive and peace prosper.
May they have power from sea to sea
and from the river to the ends of the earth.
May they pity the weak and save the sick,
for precious is the blood of the poor.
May prayers be said for them continually
and blessings offered all day long.
May there be plenty of grain in the land.
May it wave on the tops of the mountains
and bring health to every family.
May people blossom in the cities
and children grow like flowers of the field.
May their name and their fame last for ever.
May every nation of the world be blessed in them
and may they know happiness in their own lives.
Blessed be you, O God of all creation.
May your glory fill the earth.