Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Power Point Woes

I am certainly not a Power Point pro.  In fact, I will admit that this was the first semester I ever did a Power Point presentation!  But I do remember a few things from that good ol' Oral Comm class we all had to take in undgrad, and based on the presentations I just witnessed in my Quant class, I'm starting to think that maybe no one else does.  You'd think grad students would be a little more adept at presentations!  So, a few tips from the Lisa J. Freeman School of Public Speaking...
  1. You don't need to look at the screen.  I PROMISE, if it's on the computer in front of you, it's on the big screen, too, hon.  If you are staring at the screen with your back to the audience, that's a good sign your presentation isn't going so well.
  2. Please don't use font 12.  Or 14.  Or anything smaller than 18, for that matter.  If your slide is packed full of font 12 writing, I am going to immediately shut down and not even attempt to read it.  The point of a visual aid is to AID your presentation,  and if I can't read it, it's not helping me.
  3. Don't read me what's on your slides word for word.  Seriously, if that's all you're going to do, print it and give me a handout.  I can read.  This is a PRESENTATION, meaning YOU are supposed to be an important part.
Just a few of my presentation pet-peeves... you know I can be critical with the best of 'em!  :-)

1 comment:

BK said...

I love it! All SO true!!