Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Adorably Sweaty?

You know how some girls are super cute when they exercise?  I run by them on the street, with their adorable ponytails and color-coordinated athletic clothing.  Hardly breaking a sweat and certainly not breathing hard, they jog effortlessly by with some variation on a theme of "Mmm-bop" undoubtedly coursing through their iPod earbuds.

I am not one of those girls.  My hair, not long enough for a ponytail, is held up with a random assortment of variously colored and sized clips, which does not come across as messy-but-adorable, but pretty much just plain messy.  My running clothes, chosen for their utility, are mismatched--usually some variety of purple shirt, black pants, tan gloves, blue hat.  The no makeup situation doesn't convey 'fresh and alive!', but more along the lines of 'yes, I just rolled out of bed and am not quite awake yet.'  My nose red from the cold and face flushed from the exertion, my post-run state is certainly not my most attractive.  Let's just say I'm pretty sure I won't be meeting the man of my dreams mid-5k. 

Ah well, what can you do?  We can't all be super cute and athletic.  Let's just hope the looking-like-crap attempted athleticism contributes to some measure of cuteness when not engaged in aerobic activity :-).     

1 comment:

BK said...

I laughed as I read this because I know kind of "cute workout girls". I am also not one of them. However we've worked out together and I'd say you are pretty darn cute :)

Love you.